Benefits of counselling
I will support you to resolve concerns through emotional processing, imagery, and the implementation of psychological theory/techniques.
Mental Health Areas of Competence:
- Addictions
- Anger Management
- Anxiety & Perfectionism
- Art Therapy
- Brain Injury
- Career Transition & Job Distress
- Cross Cultural Diversity
- Depression
- Eating Disorders
- Employee Assistance, EAP
- Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Pansexual, Transgender, Twospirit, Gender non binary, Queer & GLBPTT*Q
- Grieving Process
- Industrial & Organizational Development Consult
- Infidelity
- Intimacy Issues
- Life Meaning & Worldview
- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, OCD & Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder, OCPD
- Personal Growth
- PostTraumatic Stress Disorder, PTSD
- PreMarital Counselling
- SelfEsteem
- Sex Therapy
- Sexuality
- Stress Management
Imagery can be used alongside talking in counseling to give us an easier to recall new path. I also provide supervision for graduate art therapy students, consultation for art therapists. Talk therapists could integrate more art therapy techniques in their practice.
“Art therapy is an emerging discipline, with imagery based self-awareness towards deep knowing”
— Forrest